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St. Michael & St. Martin

Catholic Primary School

Learning our faith, living our faith, loving our faith


PSHCE Curriculum 

Subject leader: Mr Marston


Intent - What are we trying to achieve? 

At St Michael & St Martin school, we aim to:

• ensure that everyone connected with the school is aware of our values and principles.

• ensure a consistent approach to the delivery of SMSC issues through the curriculum and the general life of the school.

• ensure that a pupil's education is set within a context that is meaningful and appropriate to their age, aptitude and background. 

• ensure that pupils know what is expected of them and why. 

• give each pupil a range of opportunities to reflect upon and discuss their beliefs, feelings and responses to personal experience.

• enable pupils to develop an understanding of their individual and group identity.

• enable pupils to begin to develop an understanding of their social and cultural environment and an appreciation of the many cultures that now enrich our society.

• give each pupil the opportunity to explore social and moral issues, and develop a sense of social and moral responsibility.

• Enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.

• Enable students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England.

• Encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.

• Enable students to acquire a broad general knowledge and respect for public institutions and services in England.

• Further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions enabling students to acquire an appreciation of and a respect for their own cultures.

• Encourage respect for other people and encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic processes including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England.


Implementation - How is the curriculum being delivered? 

To implement our vision and intent, a range of teaching strategies are be used as appropriate, including: Circle time, role-play, discussion – whole class, small group, 1:1, visitors e.g. PC , Fire Brigade, School Health Advisor etc., stories e.g. exploring behaviour of characters, creative activities, and pupil initiated activities.


There are opportunities to share achievements during collective worship e.g. stories and discussion, STRIVE Assembly. The whole school ethos promotes our work in PSHE and Citizenship, as set out in our Mission Statement and home-school agreement. In the Foundation Stage, it is taught throughout the whole curriculum and in circle time sessions.


All children are encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings with one-another and any worries are quickly addressed by all members of staff to create a conducive, caring environment where children are happy and feelings are respected. In KS1 classes, Bubble Time has been implemented as a way of allowing children to identify their need to discuss a worry or concern with a trusted adult. In KS2 classes, a Worry Box has been set up as a means of communicating worries or concerns in written form with the class teacher; to be addressed during circle time. Both are checked and addressed on a daily basis, as necessary.  


All curriculum areas should seek illustrations and examples drawn from as wide a range of cultural contexts as possible.


At St Michael and St Martin we follow the Ten Ten Resource ‘Life to the Full’ to deliver the PSHE curriculum content within the context of a Christian understanding.

Life to the Full is a fully resourced Scheme of Work for Catholic primary schools which embraces and fulfils the new statutory curriculum. Taught with a spiral approach to learning, in which pupils will revisit the same topics at an age-appropriate stage through their school life, the programme includes teaching about personal health, physical and emotional wellbeing, strong emotions, private parts of the body, personal relationships, family structures, trusted adults, growing bodies, life cycles, the dangers of social media, where babies come from, an understanding of the Common Good and living in the wider world. The entire teaching is underpinned with a religious understanding that our deepest identity is as a child of God - created chosen and loved by God. The programme is fully inclusive of all pupils and their families.


Impact - What difference is the curriculum making? 

We want our children to develop self- awareness, positive self-esteem and confidence, enabling them to:

• stay as healthy as possible

• keep themselves and others safe

• have worthwhile and fulfilling relationships

• respect the differences between people

• develop independence and responsibility

• play an active role as members of a democratic society

• make the most of their own abilities and those of others


How do the pupils at St Michael and St Martin Catholic Primary School develop the school ‘STRIVEvalues through Art and Design and Technology?

Spiritual - As a Catholic Primary school, the children are immersed in Religious education and live out the Christian values. Children get the opportunity to explore their faith while also learning about other faiths each term. This allows the children to grow up with a better understanding of our society, building a more understanding and welcoming place for all.

Thinkers - Throughout our PSHE lessons, children are given time to think and reflect on their own lives. These lessons provide the opportunity to discuss and explore their own emotions.

Resilient - As a school, we encourage all our children to be resilient. We encourage children to make mistakes and to have opportunities to F.A.I.L - First Attempt In Learning.

Independent - PSHE lessons encourage the children to think for themselves, to be proud of who they are as they are all made in the image and likeness of God.

Valued - As we delve deeper into our PSHE lessons, we explore many different scenarios in school and wider society. This allows children to know they are in a loving and caring environment where everyone is valued.

Empathetic - Exploring different areas of the PSHE curriculum and revisiting topics over their journey in primary school, children are enabled to deepen relationships.

