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Welcome to

St. Michael & St. Martin

Catholic Primary School

Learning our faith, living our faith, loving our faith

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

The staff in Year 5 are:
Mrs Ali & Mr Gardner


Welcome to Year 5’s Class Page!

Year 5 have settled quickly back into school for the Summer term. The children have been very enthusiastic about their learning and they are growing ever more mature by the day. They are becoming more familiar with the routines and expectations in terms of their homework and learning. In preparation for Year 6, the children will have the opportunity to take on further leadership roles including prefect duties.

During Summer, the children will be learning about many different topics in History and Science, such as the Victorians and Properties of Materials. We look forward to providing the children with exciting and engaging wider curriculum topics to help them to showcase their talents and interests in all aspects of the curriculum.


Religious Education

During our R.E lessons in Summer 1, our topic is ‘To the ends of the earth’. Within this unit, we are learning about gifts of the Holy Spirit through the sacraments that take place throughout the life of a Christian. The children will become proficient with using specialist religious vocabulary to show their knowledge and understanding of the religious actions and signs involved in the celebration of Confirmation. 

By the end of the topic, the children will have a deeper understanding on using the Bible as they explore both the Old Testament and New Testament, identifying the influence of the Holy Spirit.


The children will continue to plan and take part in the deliverance of Collective Acts of Worship including leading the Gospel Assembly. 



We began the term studying the graphic novel ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’ where the children will infer the characters’ feelings, thoughts and emotions by writing in first person and describing the ever-changing setting. We will then study Shakespeare’s work through ‘The Tempest’ and in Summer 2, we will read a novel set in the Victorian era, ‘Street Child’. These quality texts will inspire us to write pieces across all writing genres and we will be applying our ever-growing grammar knowledge to our written work. 



In maths, we will be covering the following areas of learning: Perimeter and Area, Shape, Position and Direction, Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Negative Numbers, Converting Units and Statistics. 


The children have been working hard to practise multiplying a 4 digit number by a 2 digit number but should continue to practise this using the formal written method. We will continue to encourage the children to be proficient in their times tables and number facts, as these are vitally important for many aspects of mathematical problem solving.



In Summer 1 & 2, the children will be learning about Properties of Materials, animals including humans and living things. Lessons in Summer 1 will focus on the human life cycle, animal life cycles & reproduction, and in Summer 2, the children will have the opportunity to research our sustainability topic of ‘Plastic Pollution’ and the impact of this on the planet.


Pupils will build evaluation skills by evaluating their own experiments, asking questions, improving methods, spotting anomalies, suggesting reasons for anomalies and discussing if their results were valid. 



In Summer 1, our topic is ‘Mountains’ and this will include learning about the formation of mountains, locations of major mountain ranges and their differing climates. The children will find out facts about famous mountains, and research why mountains are popular tourist destinations, evaluating the positive and negative impacts tourism has on mountain environments.



In Summer 2, the children will be learning about the Victorians. It is very important for the children to understand the chronology of the topics and eras taught in history across the school, but also their understanding and fluency of the timeline of events within a topic. The children will research what life was like during this period of time. 



We encourage all children to demonstrate a high standard of behaviour at all times in order to create a safe, respectful and happy learning environment.

Each class has participated in the process of making a set of ‘Golden Rules.’ The children have agreed to follow the rules as they understand that this will help their learning.

Respecting each other and all members of staff is expected and reflects the ethos of our school. 

The children are required to listen carefully and to develop their self-control and concentration in class and in the playground. 

Working together with parents and guardians plays a big part in establishing good relationships and standards of behaviour.


We encourage our pupils to follow the school’s STRIVE values across the curriculum and in all areas of school life (Spirituality, Thinkers, Resilience, Independence, Valued, Empathy Spirituality). We will reward one pupil weekly at our STRIVE assembly based on the school values they have demonstrated.



In Year 5, we encourage the children to take greater autonomy over their learning and it is an expectation for children to regularly check Google Classroom for updates and announcements. Homework will complement the learning taking place in school. Children are expected to practise their spellings, number facts and read for a minimum of 20 minutes daily. Meaningful reading record entries are to be made (a minimum of 3 times weekly) and records are to be checked and signed each week by parents. These will also be checked by teachers weekly. We ask that an adult listens to your child read aloud at least once per week and signs the reading record. 


Homework will cover the following areas:

  • RE
  • Spellings and grammar activities-including SATs Companion
  • Times tables (TTRS)
  • English (reading) including SATs Companion
  • Maths (arithmetic & topic) SATs Companion


Homework not handed in on the due date will result in a demerit and recorded on our online school rewards system ‘Epraise’. If homework continues to not be bought in, this will result in a detention. 

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to the term ahead!


‘You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.’

Maya Angelou

