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St. Michael & St. Martin

Catholic Primary School

Learning our faith, living our faith, loving our faith

Guided Reading

Guided Reading

The children absolutely love Guided Reading and in a recent Pupil Voice Survey gave some of the following reasons as to why:

“I like Guided Reading because I get to use expression.. The books might be challenging and I like that.” (Year 5)

“I like to read in groups with our teachers.” (Year 6)

“I like it because it’s fun and it helps me in English” (Year 4)

“I like GR because we get to listen to other people’s views on the same book and read at the same level.” (Year 4)


During Guided Reading the children will read with their class teacher in a group of approximately 6 pupils. The pupils are grouped according to their reading ability in order to all access the level of challenge within the text or to focus on the same decoding or comprehension skills. The pupils take turns reading aloud and will stop to be asked comprehension questions, discuss vocabulary and interesting features of the text and language. The children have at least one Guided Reading session each week from Years 1-6 but will also begin Guided Reading during Reception when they are ready.
