Year 6
Year 6 Class Page
Spring Term 2025
Year 6 have continued to work incredibly hard and have made a good start to our second term; they have shown a drive to succeed and a mature attitude towards their work. Year 6 are aware of the importance and challenges of this year and have discussed strategies we can adopt to help us reach our full potential. We know a resilient attitude towards challenges and a growth mind-set will help us grow academically.
Religious Education
Our topics this Spring term are ‘Branch 3: Galilee to Jerusalem’ and ‘Branch 4: Desert to Garden’. Branches 3 and 4 are the heart of the RED, teaching the life of Jesus, the Christ, the incarnation of God.
In Branch 1 we learned about the birth of Jesus, in Branch 2 we learned about his life - in what he said and did. In Branch 3 we will learn about the end of his life, his crucifixion and, of course, his resurrection - the most important belief of Christian faith. At the end of Branch 3, we leave when Jesus is about to enter Jerusalem, on what we would call Palm Sunday. ‘Desert to Garden’ walks us through Jesus' last week, using the metaphor of gardening to imagine what happens.
This year, Year C, the Church reads from the Gospel of Luke, and so we follow it. Luke follows Mark in the way he tells the life of Jesus, using geography to structure his Gospel. Branch 3 does exactly what it says - it moves Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem.
The children will also be taking part in Prayer and Liturgy. They will continue to deepen their understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and will aim to make links to it through each lesson or activity that they participate in. Through assemblies, they will continue to educate their peers, lead projects and make an impact in our local and wider community.
In Year 6, our English curriculum is designed to inspire a love of reading, refine writing skills, and develop grammatical understanding. This term, we will explore a rich variety of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, which will challenge and captivate our pupils while supporting their progress in key literacy skills.
Through guided reading sessions and whole-class discussions, we will focus on:
- Developing inference and deduction skills to deepen comprehension.
- Expanding vocabulary by exploring the language choices made by authors.
- Identifying and analysing themes, characters, and plot structures.
- Practising retrieval and summarisation skills to demonstrate understanding.
Pupils will hone their writing craft by:
- Creating vivid, descriptive narratives using rich vocabulary and a variety of sentence structures.
- Writing persuasive and informative texts that are well-structured and purposeful.
- Crafting poetry that demonstrates creativity and attention to figurative language.
- Editing and improving their work to develop fluency and accuracy.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
We will continue to strengthen core grammatical knowledge and technical accuracy by:
- Consolidating punctuation rules, including the use of semicolons, colons, and dashes.
- Revising spelling patterns and rules, as well as commonly misspelled words.
- Recognising and using advanced grammatical structures, such as the subjunctive mood and passive voice.
- Applying grammatical skills effectively in both spoken and written language.
These skills will prepare our pupils not only for their SATs but also for their journey into secondary school and beyond.
We will continue to revise the key skills of mathematics this term, including: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as fraction, decimals and percentages. We are continuing to prepare for our SATs with arithmetic fluency and reasoning practice in our lessons. We continue to encourage the children to be proficient in their number facts (times tables, bridging and number bonds) as this is something that is vital for every aspect of mathematics. We ask that you encourage your children to use Times Tables Rockstars, SATs Companion and LbQ to support their learning.
We encourage all children to demonstrate a high standard of behaviour at all times in order to create a safe, respectful and happy learning environment. Each class has participated in the process of making a set of ‘Golden Rules’. The children have agreed to follow the rules as they understand that this will help their learning. Respecting each other and all members of staff is expected and reflects the ethos of our school. The children are required to listen carefully and develop their self-control and concentration in the class and in the playground. Working together with parents and guardians plays a big part in establishing good relationships and standards of behaviour. The children are aware of the school system for house points which will reward positive behaviour - they can use the online 'shop' to buy items in trade for House Points!
We are encouraging children to take an active role in their own learning as they will soon be coming to the end of their time at primary school. We will be giving out a larger volume of homework both weekly and during the holidays. We expect the children to take responsibility for their own learning and to organise their workload accordingly. Failure to submit homework on time will result in sanctions.
Online Learning Platforms
Please encourage your child to regularly check their SATs Companion and LbQ accounts for tasks set - this is a useful tool to support their learning at home and prepare them for their tests. As teachers, we will be able to monitor your child's progress and use this as a teaching tool to enable them to meet their individual targets.
Please be aware that, as a school, we are aiming to be more eco-friendly. More work will be set on Google Classroom. Children should be checking Google Classroom each day for homework or general announcements. Please see our ‘Curriculum Talk’ and ‘Curriculum Map’ for further information.
We ask that you continue to support your child with daily reading at home and a little and often approach to revision to ensure that concepts taught are embedded fully.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to working with you in 2025!
Miss Logue & Mrs Straczek