Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 class page
The teachers in Year 3 are:
Miss Montenero (3M)
Mrs Enyenihi (3E)
Also working in Year 3 is Mrs Jacob
We have been settling in well to the new term! The children have come back to school eager to learn and have been exploring strategies they can adopt to help them reach their full potential. We know a resilient attitude towards challenges and a Growth mind-set will help all of us grow academically and socially! We look forward to expanding our minds further.
Here are our topics for the spring term:
Religious Education
During this term, we will be exploring the Rosary and learn how to pray the Rosary (Nicene Creed, Our Father, Glory Be and Hail Mary prayers learnt to recite off by heart)
After half term, we will be starting our new topic “From Lent to Easter.” During this topic, children will continue to prepare Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice. They will spend time thinking of the importance and impacts Jesus’ death and resurrection has on us as a worldwide community.
We start the term with a beautifully detailed book ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’. This text is linked to our previous history topic and will be the basis for different types of writing such as descriptions, diaries and instructions. Children will have a chance to apply their knowledge of specific technical vocabulary in their narratives. After this, we move onto an exciting story called ‘Wolves in the Wall’ which is a graphic picture book, describing how a pack of hungry wolves take over Lucy’s house and we discover how she defeats them.
In Maths, we will concentrate on multiplication and division facts of 2, 5, 10, 4 and 8 times tables. We will be applying our mathematical knowledge through solving word problems based around measurement and statistical investigations.
History and Geography
In Geography, children will be using the maps to locate different regions, Poland, in particular. They will be able to use digital mapping to describe and locate Polish tourist attractions and landmarks as well as compare and contrast the two capital cities - London and Warsaw.
During the second half of the term, we will investigate Biomes. We will discover facts such as, why rainforests are found near the equator and how climate varies according to location. The devastating effects of deforestation will be debated, alongside learning about layers of the rainforest and its vegetation and inhabitants. Subsequently, we will compare rainforests to deciduous ones.
The children are currently learning about Rocks, fossils and soils. We will be thinking about what a Palaeontologist does. Other topic of the Spring Term will be Light. During this topic, we will be looking at how darkness and sunlight cause reflections before delving deeper into shadows and carrying out many investigations before recording and assessing our results. Year 3 are also looking forward to British Science Week from the 10th-19th March.
As is the case throughout the school, we expect and encourage all children to adhere to high standards of behaviour both in class and on the playground.
The children in Year 3 have negotiated a set of class rules together and have all agreed to follow these with the understanding that doing so will create a happy learning environment that will help their learning.
Working together with parents and guardians plays a large part in ensuring there are good relationships and standards of behaviour in school.
General Reminders
- We really appreciate your support when helping children with homework. The task set is related to what we have covered in class that week and provides a chance for them to consolidate their learning.
- Reading Records must be completed each week (3 comments) with at least one parent comment.
- Please make sure to access Google Classroom regularly for updates.
- PE takes place every Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child is dressed in their full PE kit in school on this day. All items of uniform and PE Kit must be named.
- Please ensure that your child brings in a named bottle of water every day and the school lunches are booked on the system.
Miss Montenero and Mrs Enyenihi