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Welcome to

St. Michael & St. Martin

Catholic Primary School

Learning our faith, living our faith, loving our faith

Year 3

The teachers in Year 3 are
Miss Montenero (3M)

 Mrs Enyenihi (3E)


Also working in Year 3 is Mrs Jacob and Mrs S


Welcome to the Year 3 class page


It has been an excellent start to the term so far. The children have settled well into Year 3 and their transition into KS2. Our topics this term are as follows:

Religious Education – Creation and Convent 

In this topic, we will revisit the Genesis Creation story to explore the nature of God as Creator and Sustainer. This time, the focus shifts to the process of Creation, emphasising God's spirit and the power of His word in bringing order from chaos. The Church teaches that this narrative hints at the Trinity, with Creation happening through the Word and Spirit. Pupils will read a psalm to appreciate the poetic expression of awe for Creation. This topic also emphasises that humanity, made in God's image (imago Dei), reflects God's nature and promotes discussions on equality and care for one another. Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, though complex, reinforces the importance of caring for Creation and highlights broken relationships with God, neighbour, and earth as sin, calling for the development of "ecological virtues."

Please note, when reading from the Bible, make sure you are reading from a physical Bible and your child is following along/reading out loud from a physical Bible. 


Children will be giving simple descriptions of some special prayers, signs and actions performed in Church and at Mass using religious language, focusing on the liturgy of the Word and a simple description of how Catholics celebrate the Mass. 



We started this term with a beautiful picture book, The Comet by Joe-Todd-Stanton. The book gives the children time to explore their vocabulary and help to generate fantastic discussion. We will move onto an exciting story called Stone Age Boy, which is about a child who falls into a world that existed 20,000 years ago in prehistoric times. This text is linked to our history topic and will be the basis for different types of writing such as descriptions, diaries and instructions.  



In Maths, we have been concentrating on place value up to 1,000 and number bonds up to 100. We have been learning about column methods of addition and subtraction and division and multiplication.  We continue to apply our mathematical knowledge through solving word problems based around money, measurement and statistical investigations. By learning how to double we will introduce the concept of 2x time tables. 



In history, we have been learning about the Prehistoric Britain with a focus on the Stone Age and the Iron Age. Children will be developing their understanding of how their knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.  Our Stone Age topic will be enriched with our Power of Reading text Stone Age Boy. The children will carry out some green screen activities to transport them to Prehistoric times. 



 In Science, our topic is Skeleton and Movement, which involves investigating different aspects of the human body and how to keep it fit and healthy. While learning about different types of skeleton, the children will have the following focus ‘How can we sort animals based on their skeleton?’. The children will learn to draw conclusions and use straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions about how living things function.



As is the case throughout the school, we expect and encourage all children to adhere to high standards of behaviour both in class and on the playground.

The children in Year 3 have negotiated a set of class rules together and have all agreed to follow these with the understanding that doing so will create a happy learning environment that will help their learning.

Working together with parents and guardians plays a large part in ensuring there are good relationships and standards of behaviour in school.

General Reminders


Homework Schedule

RE goes on Friday to be returned on Monday.

Reading Comprehension goes on Friday, due on Friday.

Spellings go on Friday, tests are administered on Friday.

Maths / TTRS set out on Friday – checked on Thursday

Reading Records (school library reading scheme books)come home every day and come back to school every day to read in class and with a member of staff/reading volunteer. Children are to do a quiz about the book before they update it in the library. Please sign to show you have read with your child. Reading is important for developing both fluency and reading comprehension. It is recommended you read with your child 15-20 min daily.

  • We really appreciate your support when helping children with homework. The task set is related to what we have covered in class that week and provides a chance for them to consolidate their learning. 
  • PE takes place every Wednesday Morning. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school on this day. All items of uniform must also be named.
  • Please ensure that your child brings in a named bottle of water every day – reminder, no glass bottles permitted


Year 3 Team


