School Uniform
Please note that our school jumpers should only be purchased from the following uniform supplier :
Sanco Schoolwear
60 Bell Road
Middlesex TW3 3PB
Tel : 02085709990

Our uniform supplier, Sanco has asked us to share the message below with you all :
Dear Parent/Carer
Please see below details of how to obtain school uniform & PE kit for your child, both online and by visiting Sanco in Bell Road, Hounslow.
Purchasing Online
You can order from the Sanco website 24/7. To do so, please click on the following link, which will take you directly to the St Michael & St Martin webpage on our website.
Visiting Sanco
Alternatively, if you wish to visit the store you must make an appointment first. To do this please click on the link below and you will be able to book a fitting appointment:
Please note appointments are for 20 minutes. Our booking policy is available on the Sanco website which gives you all the details you need to visit us safely and seamlessly.
Parents/Carers with appointments will be allowed into the store at your scheduled time. Anyone without an appointment will be asked to queue and we will only be able to serve them in between parents/carers who have appointments.
Making Early Arrangements
It is very important to organize uniform early.
You are strongly urged to order your uniform in June or July, and by 31 July at the latest. If left till August, you may have to queue, or the items or sizes required may not be immediately available in case stock runs out.
Exchange & Refund Policy
To ease concerns over buying early and children having a ‘growth spurt’, Sanco have maintained an exchange policy of 90 days (refunds 30 days).
Uniform Requirements - Reception – Year 6
All uniforms must be clearly labelled.
Any item not accompanied by the word ‘optional’ is required.
All branded items should be purchased from the school shop:
The school holds second hand uniform sales from time to time, please check the newsletter regularly to see when the next sale is on.
All generic items may be purchased from any retailer.
Autumn Term | |
BOTTLE Green Coat BOTTLE Green Skirt or Pinafore Dress BOTTLE Green Cardigan with branded school logo *School Tie (Elastic ties –Reception – Yr 2, full tie Yr3 – 6) White short sleeved Shirt BOTTLE Long Green / White Socks or Tights (No ankle socks) Black (low heeled) shoes (NO TRAINERS OR BOOTS) BOTTLE Green hat / scarf / gloves (optional) | BOTTLE Green Coat Grey Trousers BOTTLE Green Jumper with branded school logo *School Tie (Elastic ties –Reception – Yr 2, full tie Yr3 – 6) White short sleeved Shirt Grey Socks Black Shoes (NO TRAINERS OR BOOTS) BOTTLE Green hat / scarf / gloves (optional) |
Spring /Summer Terms | |
BOTTLE Green Blazer (optional) Green and White KINSALE Dress made by Banner BOTTLE Green Cardigan with branded school logo WHITE Long / ankle Socks Black Shoes (low heeled) or closed toe White Sandals (NO TRAINERS OR BOOTS) BOTTLE Green Cap (optional) NB : Summer uniform may be worn from Easter through until the October half term only | BOTTLE Green Blazer (optional) BOTTLE Green Jumper with branded school logo *School Tie (Elastic ties –Reception – Yr 2, full tie Yr3 – 6) White short sleeved Shirt Grey Trousers or shorts Grey Socks Black Shoes (NO TRAINERS OR BOOTS) BOTTLE Green Cap (optional) |
PE Kits | |
Junior (Yrs 3 - 6) | Junior (Yrs 3 - 6) |
Yellow branded school logo Polo Shirt BOTTLE Green Shorts White Socks BOTTLE Green or Black Tracksuit Bottoms (winter only) Slip-on Black Plimsolls Trainers (outdoors only) BOTTLE Green PE Bag | Yellow branded school logo Polo Shirt BOTTLE Green Shorts White Socks BOTTLE Green or Black Tracksuit Bottoms (winter only) Slip-on Black Plimsolls Trainers (outdoors only) BOTTLE Green PE Bag |
Infant (Reception – Yr 2) | Infant (Reception – Yr 2) |
Yellow branded school logo Polo Shirt BOTTLE Green Shorts White Socks BOTTLE Green / Black Tracksuit Bottoms Slip-on Black Plimsolls BOTTLE Green PE Bag | Yellow branded school logo Polo Shirt BOTTLE Green Shorts White Socks BOTTLE Green / Black Tracksuit Bottoms Slip-on Black Plimsolls BOTTLE Green PE Bag |
Uniform Requirements - Nursery
All uniform must be clearly labelled
Autumn Term | |
BOTTLE Green Coat Yellow branded school logo Polo Shirt BOTTLE Green Cardigan with embroidered Logo BOTTLE Green Jogging Bottoms White Socks Black (low heeled) shoes (NO TRAINERS OR BOOTS) BOTTLE Green hat / scarf / gloves (optional) | BOTTLE Green Coat Yellow branded school logo Polo Shirt BOTTLE Green Jumper with embroidered Logo BOTTLE Green Jogging Bottoms Grey Socks Black Shoes (NO TRAINERS OR BOOTS) BOTTLE Green hat / scarf / gloves (optional) |
Spring / Summer Terms | |
BOTTLE Green Coat (optional) Yellow branded school logo Polo Shirt BOTTLE Green Cardigan with embroidered Logo BOTTLE Green Shorts or BOTTLE Green Jogging Bottoms White Socks (ankle or long) Black (low heeled) shoes (NO TRAINERS OR BOOTS) BOTTLE Green Cap (optional) | BOTTLE Green Coat (optional) Yellow branded school logo Polo Shirt BOTTLE Green Jumper with embroidered Logo BOTTLE Green Shorts or BOTTLE Green Jogging Bottoms Grey Socks Black Shoes (NO TRAINERS OR BOOTS) BOTTLE Green Cap (optional) |
Please Note: EARRINGS, JEWELLERY AND NAIL VARNISH ARE NOT ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (for health and safety reasons), but watches may be worn. Hair beyond shoulder length MUST be tied back. Hair clips, hair bands and/or ribbons must be bottle green or white. No fashion haircuts are permitted including number 1 and 2 shaved haircuts, tram lines or any other designs. No trainers in place of school shoes |