Welcome to Nursery
Class Teacher: Mrs Mahmood
Nursery Nurse: Mrs Doyle
Our topics for this term and next term are ‘Dangerous Dinosaurs’ and ’Starry Night’.
Our texts for Spring 1:
Dinosaur Roar, Cave Baby, Tyrannosaurus Drip, How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth, Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs
Our texts for Spring 2:
Peace At Last, Owl Babies, Whatever Next, Astro Girl, Here We Are
In maths, we will continue to identify and touch count numbers.
Know that the last number reached when counting a small set of object tells you how many there are in total.
We will understand position through words.
Talk about and explore 2D shape.
Extend and create ABAB patterns.
Introducing numbers 3, 4 & 5.
As the children settle, we will be starting our set 1 phonics sounds from the Read Write Inc. Scheme. Every week the children will learn a new sound. We will send weekly sheets home for you to support your child.
Outdoor learning: ‘Welly Wednesday’
We will continue with our outdoor learning this term every Wednesday ‘Welly Wednesday’.
Please write your child’s name clearly on the welly boots and the bag they bring it in.
At the end of the session, we will leave the bags outside for you to collect.
General Reminders
Please label ALL clothings including hats and gloves
Please send your child’s book bags everyday ( Please write your child’s name at the back of the book bag not inside please)
No jewellery or religious threads
Name writing/ pencil control- please support your child at home to write their name. Remember capital letters only for the first letter then all lowercase letters. We will send weekly name writing sheets for you to use at home.
If you have any questions or concerns please ask us at the beginning or end of the session
Thank you for your continued support!
Mrs Mahmood & Mrs. Doyle!