Reception Spring Term Class Page 2025
Welcome to the Reception Class Page
RB Class Teacher: Mrs Brown RM Class Teacher: Miss May
We are also supported Mrs Mcgrath, Mrs Giammatteo and Mrs Krysztofiak
Our topics for the Spring Term are called: 'Long ago' and 'Ready Steady Grow.'
Our key Power of Reading literacy texts for spring term will be as follows: The Gingerbread man, The Smartest Giant in Town, The Tiger who came to Tea, My Two Grandads, Coming to England, Rosie's Walk, The Little Red Hen, Jasper's Beanstalk, Errol's Garden, Supertato and The Bog Baby.
We will be exploring these texts through hands-on activities, including crafts, story-mapping and story-telling using props, puppets and masks. The children will use their ever-increasing phonics knowledge to write labels, captions, and simple sentences in relation to the story.
To support their learning at home, you can continue to practise writing their names and finding real-life writing opportunities which you can encourage your child to take part in such as writing shopping lists, birthday cards, invitations etc. You can read the books outlined above and begin orally retelling the stories. Reading aloud to your child every day can have such an impact on their learning and love of reading.
We will be continuing to follow the Read Write Inc (RWI) phonics scheme. The children will continue to learn how to say and recognise the letter sounds which are taught. We will be modelling the correct letter formation so that the children learn to correctly write each letter. They will continue to gain the confidence to segment to spell and write simple words and blend to read whole words using their phonic knowledge.
Children's reading books will match the sounds taught and sometimes extra sheets will be sent home to reinforce taught skills. Please continue to practise 'Fred Talking' to help your child orally blend e.g. 'Please put on your c-oa-t.' Oral blending skills help your child with reading as they need to be able to hear the whole word once they have sounded it out. Further information to support phonics is available on the RWI section of our school website.
Continue to practise reading and writing the red/tricky words, which are given out weekly.
Religious Education
We will continue to worship together by taking part in Collective Acts of Worship and we will learn more about God and explore our religious beliefs during our RE lessons. Our topic this term is ‘Galilee to Jerusalem’. During Spring 1, we will be hearing the following: The Wise Men visit Jesus, The Feeding of 5000 and Jesus welcomes the children. We will also be reflecting on God’s love, showing love to others in our words and actions, and the ‘Glory Be’. Please continue to reinforce this at home and learn prayers.
Maths - Number
During our Maths lessons, we will be focusing on numbers up to 10. We are continuing to practise writing our numbers correctly and to recognise the numerals in and out of order.
The children will say the number that is one more or one less than a given number and make links to addition and subtraction with the use of objects and pictures to support this.
The children will also be learning the value of each number in different contexts such as 10 objects and a 10p coin. Additionally, children will be learning to measure the height, weight and capacity of objects in non- standard units of measure and experience real-life contexts for measurement through their play in the home corner or role play areas.
To extend their learning at home, please encourage your child to look for numbers in the environment such as door numbers and number plates on cars to support number recognition and play simple mathematical games: ordering numbers, saying one more/one less, using flashcards and looking at measurements together as opportunities arise such as in baking.
General Reminders
- To support reading, please read a story each night with your child modelling expressions and discussing the characters and events.
- Keep checking the website and Google Classroom class pages for any updates related to Reception.
- Every Friday is PE. Please ensure your child comes into school in their full PE kit (yellow t-shirt and green shorts or jogging bottoms and trainers with Velcro- no laces).
- Please clearly label all of your child's belongings with your child's full name and class as we cannot locate missing items which are not named.
- Please ensure your child has a named water bottle each day.
- Please remember to book your child's lunch a week in advance via ParentPay.
We look forward to continuing to work with you during this term and throughout the year.
Thanks for your continued support!
Mrs Brown and Miss May