Year 2
The teachers in Year 2 are:
Miss Moran (2C)
Mrs Preston (2P)
Welcome to the Year 2 class page!
It has been a wonderful start to the term so far. The children have settled well into their Year 2 routines, displaying great resilience. Below you will find out more about the exciting topics we will be covering this term.
Religious Education
Our topic this half term is called Creation and covenant. We will be learning and discussing God's promise to Noah in Genesis 9:15. They will also learn how the story of Noah’s Ark points to Baptism, where people are welcomed into the Christian faith and are called to share God's love with others. In Autumn 2 our topic will be Prophecy and promise. In this topic we will explore how messages from Scripture inspire actions that bring joy to the world. We will also be learning about how Christians can live out these teachings. Following this we will look at Advent traditions to understand how these preparations anticipate the celebration of Christmas.
We will look at the following books: ‘The Lonely Beast’, ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ and ‘The Great Explorer’. These quality texts were chosen to tie in with our Geography topic of ‘Polar Regions’. The children will learn about writing for purpose and to a particular audience, whilst thinking about structure and choice of language. Children will regularly take part in Big Writing sessions, where they are able to independently use their knowledge to write their own stories, postcards and instructions.
Reading books will need to be changed regularly. It is important that you read with your child daily, this should be recorded in Reading record books. These are checked three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is a good way to communicate any concerns or queries regarding your child’s reading.
In Maths, we have started the year by recapping some concepts of Year 1 in particular their understanding of number, looking at ordering and place value. We will continue to have this as one of our main focuses to ensure children have a solid understanding of number. We will then be moving on to using the four operations and applying these when solving simple word problems. Later in the term, we will look at real life problems involving money, as well as having fun with some practical activities involving shape and space.
Animals’ Needs for Survival and Humans. Children will develop an understanding of the basic things an animal needs to survive and linking this to our own survival. This topic will also study looking after our bodies with a healthy diet, exercise and brushing our teeth.
Our topic this term is ‘Polar Regions’. Children will develop map reading skills, identifying different continents and seas with a focus on the Arctic and Antarctic. Children will learn about wildlife and lifestyles of those living in these regions.
Our topic this term is ‘The History of the local area: Hounslow’. Children will compare Hounslow Heath (past and present), as well as other areas of significance in Hounslow. Following on from geography, they will also look at human and physical features with a focus of Hounslow past and present.
Look out for Year 2’s Assemblies which the children are thoroughly looking forward to performing at the start of the Spring term.
As is the case throughout the school, we expect and encourage all children to adhere to the high standards of behaviour both in class and on the playground.
The children in Year 2 have worked together to create a set of Golden Rules and have all agreed to follow these rules with the understanding that doing so will create a happy learning environment that will help their learning.
Working together with parents and guardians plays a big part in establishing good relationships and standards of behaviour.
General Reminders
- Homework will be set on Friday:
Spellings – sent home Friday (due back the following Wednesday)
English and Maths – these will be short activities sent out throughout the week to ensure work is manageable for both children and parents. It is important that you support your children at home and have an understanding of the curriculum being taught.
- Spellings are set and tested every Friday.
- PE takes place every Tuesday morning. Please ensure that your child is dressed in a full PE kit in school on this day.
- All items of uniform must also be named and it is the child’s responsibility to ensure they have their uniform (including jumpers, cardigans and coats) at the end of each day.
Please ensure that your child brings in a named bottle of water every day. The water bottles must be filled with cold water and not warm or hot water. These need to be taken home and washed daily.