Year 2
The teachers in Year 2 are:
Miss Moran (2C)
Mr Collins (2M)
Welcome to the Year 2 class page!
The children have been working extremely hard throughout the year and will be encouraged to keep this up into their final term of Year 2. Summer will be a busy term and we would like to continue the outstanding efforts and progress the children have already made.
Religious Education
Our topic this half term is called From Easter to Pentecost. We will begin by looking at the Easter story, with a focus on Luke’s account of Jesus’ resurrection (Luke 24). We will be retelling the story of Jesus’ resurrection and linking it to ‘bridge’ people and how they have spread the Good News of Jesus. We will then follow this with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. We will explore the vocabulary used in the scripture and think about how the Holy Spirit can help us to be better people.
In Summer 2, our will be Discipleship. We are learning about how the disciples, filled with the Holy Spirit, were able to do the work of Jesus and what we can do to spread this message.
We will begin with a story called The Man on the Moon. We will then look at a fiction story called Rocket – Look Up. We will write a setting description using adventurous vocabulary to describe the meteor shower. We will continue to explore the story through role-plays, hot seating and writing in role. Then we will look at the inspirational story of the astronaut Mae Jemison.
In Summer 2, we will look at the stories Meerkat Mail and How the Stars Came to Be. We will write our own innovative tales and write recounts in role. We will also look at the non-fiction book Lands of Belonging: A History Of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Britain. We will write a poem inspired this.
Please continue to spend time at home reading with your child every night as our school mission is to empower our children to love and appreciate reading for life.
Time is one of our first topics we will cover in Maths. We will first recap o’clock and half past, before moving on to quarter past and quarter to. By the end of the year, the children will be telling the time to 5 minute intervals. Enabling your child to wear an analogue clock to school is permitted to help them with this concept.
After that, we will be learning about position and direction, length and height, time and mass, capacity and temperature. Children will be using different metric units to measure like metres and centimetres, and grams and kilograms.
We will also use this term to consolidate key topics involving number and place value - the four operations mainly. Please continue to help your child learn their times tables and related division facts – recalling these quickly is an important skill that will really help them with maths!
In History we will be looking at significant people and what makes them significant. We will study Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart, and discover how their accomplishments have impacted our society. They will be able to answer questions about them and recognise that information comes from different sources. They will also accurately order the events they have learnt about, creating a timeline to demonstrate their understanding.
Our topic for the next few weeks will be “What’s in a Region?” and through this topic we will be exploring the country of Ghana. Children will look at map reading, locating the country on a world map and comparing life in Ghoa to their own lives here in the United Kingdom. The children will have opportunities to learn about traditions and lifestyles in Ghoa and be able to complete a range of cross-curricular activities to scaffold their understanding of the topic.
In Summer 1, the children will explore Plants. The children will observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants with a range of observations and practical experiments. They will also find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.
In Summer 2, students will explore Living Things and Their Habitats. The children will discover and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive. Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other. They will also describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food.
As is the case throughout the school, we expect and encourage all children to adhere to the high standards of behaviour both in class and on the playground.
The children in Year 2 will continue to follow the set of Golden Rules that they created in Autumn 2. The children have all agreed to follow these rules with the understanding that doing so will create a happy learning environment that will help their learning.
Working together with parents and guardians plays a big part in establishing good relationships and standards of behaviour.
General Reminders
- Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school every day.
- Homework is set regularly and must be returned the following week. Spelling homework is set on Friday and SpellingFrame is our chosen resource. We really appreciate your support when helping children with homework. The task set is related to what we have covered in class that week and provides a chance for them to consolidate their learning.
- Spellings are set and tested every week
- PE takes place every Tuesday morning. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their full PE kit.
- Please ensure that your child brings in a named bottle of water every day.