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St. Michael & St. Martin

Catholic Primary School

Learning our faith, living our faith, loving our faith

Reading at our school

Reading aims at our school

 At St Michael and St Martin's, pupils are encouraged to become confident, enthusiastic, critical and independent readers.  They should be able to cope with print produced in a variety of forms and for a variety of purposes and read for information, interest and enjoyment.
We aim for pupils to be able to:

  • Understand the features of a book and how it works
  • Have an interest in words and their meanings
  • Use a range of strategies which will help them to read with meaning, fluency, accuracy and expression
  • Use appropriate reading strategies to find and interpret information
  • Reflect on their reading and offer a personal response to a wide range of texts
  • To understand how the format and language changes with different genre
  • To use inferential skills to find meaning beyond the literal
  • To appreciate the tools of the writer and the techniques used to involve the reader in the text.  To build these strategies into their own writing
  • To appreciate the work of individual authors, illustrators and publishers
  • To read for and with other children and adults in a variety of situations
  • To read silently with a specific focus for the reading
  • To use a range of resources, including classroom materials, the school and public libraries for a range of reading materials
  • To use ICT based reference materials for information