Year 1
The teachers in Year 1 are:
Miss Oakes (1O)
Miss Green (1G)
Also working in Year 1 are Mrs Nketsiah, Mrs Fernandes and Ms McGrath
Welcome to the Year 1 class page!
Welcome to the Summer Term in Year 1. The children are now well into their Year 1 routines and below, you will find out more about the exciting topics we will be covering this term.
Religious Education
Our topic this half term is ‘To the Ends of the Earth’. We will explore what happened to Jesus after his resurrection; looking at the Ascension and Pentecost. We will look at the disciple’s actions in response to Jesus’s word.
‘Discipleship’ will then be explored in Summer 2. Children understand what it means to be a disciple and reflect on how they can be disciples.
Our first topic book is Traction Man. The Children will begin to look at comparing different narratives and using adjectives to describe the differences. The children will learn about the main events of the stories and start to order the key events into story maps. The Jolly Postman is our next focus book and we will be using this to help promote reading for pleasure and enjoyment in reading. As well as focusing on different types of texts using the letters from the Jolly Postman to write our own letters.
In Summer 2 we will be looking at the traditional tale Goldilocks. using this to sequence short sentences into longer narratives. In the summer term we will be focusing on creating longer pieces of writing either retelling stories, creating our own narratives or writing alternative endings for traditional stories.
We will begin the Summer term by looking at multiplication and division. The children will need to recall upon the 2, 5 and 10 times tables so please continue to practice these at home. They will be taught methods to help them solve problem-solving questions about multiplication and division; these include using arrays, grouping and sharing. This will then be followed up with fractions; finding and recognising and half and a quarter of objects and numbers.
The children will then explore how the number system works by studying the numbers 0-100. They will need to be able to identify one more and one less, acknowledge how many tens and ones are in a number and use a number line.
Measure will also be covered in the Summer term. The children will learn how to tell the time to the hour and half hour, as well as recall the days of the week and months in the year. They will describe the position of objects and discuss directions or travel.
The children take part in weekly hymn singing and achievement assemblies. This term we will be working hard to prepare for the May celebration, learning poems, practising hymns and coming together to celebrate the life of Mary.
As is the case throughout the school, we expect and encourage all children to adhere to the high standards of behaviour both in class and on the playground. The children will continue to follow their Golden Rules with the understanding that doing so will create a happy learning environment that will help their learning.
Working together with parents and guardians plays a big part in establishing good relationships and standards of behaviour.
General Reminders
- Book bags will go home every day and return to school every day.
- Reading scheme books will be handed out every Friday (due back Monday) and every Tuesday (due back Thursday).
- Homework will be set on the following days:
Spellings – sent home on Fridays and tested the following Friday (books are due back the following Thursday)
English and Maths – these will be short activities sent out throughout the week to ensure work is manageable for both children and parents. It is important that you support your children at home and have an understanding of the curriculum being taught. This homework will be sent out every Friday and due in on the Thursday of the next week.
- RE is sent home on Fridays and due back in on a Monday
- Topic - please look out for other homework that may include research for Science or our Geography and History topics, dates will be displayed on the sheet.
- PE takes place every Thursday. Please ensure that your child is dressed in a full PE kit in school on this day. All items of uniform must also be named.
- Please ensure that your child brings in a named bottle of water every day. These need to be taken home and washed daily.
- As we prepare for the summer term please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform and is prepared for the days weather.