Year 1
The teachers in Year 1 are:
Miss Clarke (1C)
Miss Green (1G)
Also working in Year 1 are Mrs Bowman and Miss Esteban
Welcome to the Year 1 class page!
Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 1. We will be using this term to settle into the routines of Year 1 and start formal lessons. We will be learning to be more independent and follow the class golden rules.
Religious Education
Autumn 1s topic is called Creation and Covenant.
Our children are enjoying the current text in English called ‘Beegu’ which is part of our Power of Reading topic. The children will be writing postcards and letters in the role of characters from the story. We will also be reading ‘Lost and Found’ over the next few weeks. The children will be learning about poetry and studying stories from other cultures as part of Black History Week.
In Maths, we began the year by counting and representing numbers. We will also be learning about counting, forwards, backwards, adding and taking away one more and one less and ordering numbers.
We will also be learning about addition and subtraction, remembering the signs we use for our maths sentences and trying to make connections in our work.
Our topics in History for this term are ‘Nurturing Nurses’ and ‘The Victorians. The children will learn about the life and impact of Florence Nightingale and identify all the wonderful changes she made. This will then lead us into the Victorians where we learn about the life and reign of Queen Victoria.
Black History Month will be celebrated in October with the children experiencing dance workshops and studying different significant individuals, with a focus on significant black females.
Our first Science topic this half-term is, ‘The Human Body’ where we will name and identify the different body parts, as well as taking part in some fun experiments to explore the 5 senses.
After half-term we will explore materials. With a focus on naming and identifying wood, plastic, glass and metal, we will also look at their properties and carry investigations into their suitability.
The children will also learn about the different seasons and when these seasons occur. They will look at the length of the days in each season and weather from all around the world. This term will focus on Autumn and Winter.
The children take part in weekly hymn singing and achievement assemblies and this term, later in Autumn 2 we will also have assemblies to practise songs for the Nativity.
At St Michael and St Martins School we have extremely high standards for behaviour that we expect the children to demonstrate at all times, both in class and whilst playing in the playground.
As is the case throughout the school, we expect and encourage all children to adhere to the high standards of behaviour both in class and on the playground. The children will continue to follow their Golden Rules with the understanding that doing so will create a happy learning environment that will help their learning.
Working together with parents and guardians plays a big part in establishing good relationships and standards of behaviour.
General Reminders
- Book bags will go home every day and return to school every day.
- Reading scheme books will be handed out every Friday (due back Monday) and every Tuesday (due back Thursday).
- Homework will be set on the following days:
Spellings – sent home on Fridays and tested the following Friday (books are due back the following Thursday)
English and Maths – these will be short activities sent out throughout the week to ensure work is manageable for both children and parents. It is important that you support your children at home and have an understanding of the curriculum being taught. This homework will be sent out every Friday and due in on the Thursday of the next week.
- RE is sent home on Fridays and due back in on a Monday
- Topic - please look out for other homework that may include research for Science or our Geography and History topics, dates will be displayed on the sheet.
- PE takes place every Thursday. Please ensure that your child is dressed in a full PE kit in school on this day. All items of uniform must also be named.
- Please ensure that your child brings in a named bottle of water every day. These need to be taken home and washed daily.