
School Logo

Welcome to

St. Michael & St. Martin

Catholic Primary School

Learning our faith, living our faith, loving our faith

Autumn Term 2 commences - Tuesday 31st October 2023

Just a reminder that school re-opens for the second half of our Autumn Term tomorrow, Tuesday 31st October 2023 for all year groups.


Please ensure that school meals are booked before this time - not applicable for Nursery children. The beginning of any new term is exceptional busy and your assistance in this matter is much appreciated.  All children in from Reception - Year 6 are all entitled to participate in Universal Free School Meals meaning that no payment for meals is required however, these must be booked by yourselves.


Children should bring in their own water bottles each day- please do not send bottles into school with hot water in, especially metal ones as these retain the heat for some considerable time.


We ask that your child brings in their school coat each day as the weather is now very changeable.  Winter uniform should also be worn until the end of the Spring Term.

We look forward to welcoming you all back into school on tomorrow.

