
School Logo

Welcome to

St. Michael & St. Martin

Catholic Primary School

Learning our faith, living our faith, loving our faith

Reception - Yr 6 End of Term - Friday 17th December 2021

16th December 2021


Dear Parents / Carers Reception - Yr 6


Just a reminder of a few final points for the end of term :


1.Tomorrow is our end of term mufti day as usual - please ensure that all clothing is appropriate for this time of year.


2. School will finish at 1.30pm, please ensure that you have arrangements in place to collect you child(ren) at this time


3. The school office will close at 2pm tomorrow


4. We commence our spring term on Tuesday 4th January 2022


5. Please ensure that all school meals at booked before recommences on the above mentioned date.


Wishing you all a very happy and holy Christmas.

