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Welcome to

St. Michael & St. Martin

Catholic Primary School

Learning our faith, living our faith, loving our faith

Reminder of Expectations

12th November 2021


Dear Parents / Carers


As we settle into the second half of our autumn term may I take this opportunity to remind you of the following:


1.       The school gates will close at 8.55am each morning, anyone arriving after this time will be marked as late on attendance registers.

2.       Please remember that children must remain with their appropriate adult at all times before entering the school premises.  This is especially important for younger children.

3.       We ask you to be respectful of our surrounding neighbours and their properties.

4.       You have been advised on many occasions that there are restrictions on entering the school road between 8.15 – 9.15am and 2.45-3.45pm. These enforcement times mean that you could be issued with a fixed penalty fine.

5.       Please do not stop in the middle of the road to drop off / pick up your children at the beginning or end of the school day.  Not only is this dangerous but it also causing traffic build up.

6.       Scooters / bikes should be walked on to the school premises and helmets are worn whilst using these.

7.       If your child(ren) are collected by older siblings or indeed have permission to walk home alone, we would kindly ask that you remind them of the importance of appropriate behaviour.  This week we have witnessed  some unacceptable behaviour on and around our school premises.

8.       If you need to pick your child up early to attend any appointments please ensure that proof of appointment is sent in to the office prior to the appointment date. 

I am sorry to have to remind you again about the above points but these are just some of the issues that we have experienced before and after school over the last two weeks.

Many thanks for your cooperation in keeping everybody safe on and off the premises.

Have a lovely weekend 

Best wishes 

Mrs Duggan
